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Get ready to connect, learn, and ignite change with like-minded people virtually and in person.

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Remember, this reading plan is not only about completing a book but about immersing yourself in the survivor's story, learning from it, and growing as an abolitionist. Let this journey empower you to do justice and be compassionate.

our commitment to each other

Allocate at least 30 minutes to an hour each week for reading and reflection.

Take notes while reading to capture significant points, emotions, and questions for our time together.

Engage in self-care practices, as the content might evoke strong emotions and triggers.

Utilize our time together, to share insights and learn from other lived experiences.

Respect your emotions and boundaries; it's okay to take breaks or skip chapters if needed.

Stay open-minded and compassionate while reading about sensitive and challenging topics.

Be proactive in promoting awareness and supporting advocacy efforts against sex trafficking and sexual abuse.


Ready to champion justice, one step at a time?

Come on in, the journey to abolition is starting in your city!

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It's time to turn knowledge into action, and words into deeds. Your voice matters, your actions ignite ripples of transformation, and together, we're shaping history.

Whether you're here to contribute, connect, or simply soak up inspiration, you've found your tribe of changemakers.


The road to abolition might be long, but it's a journey we are on together.

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Register today by typing ‘citywide invite’ into our contact section.

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